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Product: Primed Flatsheets & Weatherboards


Primed Flatsheets & Weatherboards


Primed Flatsheets & Weatherboards


• 替换部件可用
• AFS/PEFC 认证的木头

产品概述— Weathertex的Primed 自然平板和 Weatherboards檐板产品是由天然澳大利亚硬木木材制成,来自可持续管理的AFS / PEFC-certified新南威尔士州国家森林EPA批准的私人本地林业。产品无甲醛,抗白蚁,以及遵守3959年森林大火袭击(BAL-19)水平。产品范围包括Selflok檐板、Weathergroove建筑面板、Exteriorboard高影响建筑板和Rubix建筑板。


Certification Tag
  • GreenTag LCARate Gold GreenRate Level A
    Under Renewal


Building/Product Synergy

Health & Ecotoxicity



Life Cycle Analysis - Water

Life Cycle Analysis - Greenhouse Gas

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ratings Tools

Construction Code Compliance

More information:

The product is GreenTag GreenRate Level A Certified under Scheme A8
The scope of certification includes products only using sustainably sourced wood with no additional spline attachments. Products include: Selflok Millwood Smooth, Selflok Millwood Ruff Sawn, Selflok Colonial Smooth, Selflok Ecogroove Smooth 75, Selflok Ecogroove Smooth 150, Selflok Ecogroove Smooth 300, Selflok Ecogroove Woodsman 150, Selflok Texwood Smooth, Selflok Vgroove Smooth 150, Shingles Plus Smooth , Rubix 1200 x 1200, Rubix 1200 x 900, Weathergroove 75mm Smooth, Weathergroove 75mm Woodsman, Weathergroove 150 Smooth 3660 , Weathergroove 150 Smooth 2745, Weathergroove 150 Smooth 3050, Weathergroove 150 Woodsman 3660, Weathergroove 150 Woodsman 2745, Weathergroove 150 Woodsman 3050, Weathergroove 150 Ruff Sawn , Weathergroove 300 Smooth 3660, Weathergroove 300 Smooth 2745, Weathergroove 600 Smooth, Weathergroove 1200 Smooth 3660 , Weathergroove 1200 Smooth 2745, Weathergroove 1200 Smooth 3050, Weathergroove Fusion Smooth,

Rating tools relevance:

Green Star® Australia “Buildings” v1.0 Rating tool:
• Credit 7: Responsible Envelope, or
• Credit 9: Responsible Finishes
• Credit 13: Exposure to Toxins

Green Star® Australia “Design & As Built v1.3” Rating Tools Credits:
• Credit 13: Indoor Pollutants (Reduction in internal air pollutant level)
• Credit 20: Responsible Building Materials (Timber)
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products

Green Star® Australia “Interiors v1.3” Rating Tools Credits:
• Credit 12: Indoor Pollutants (Reduction in internal air pollutant level)
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products
• Credit 27C: Improving On Green Star Benchmarks

Green Star® Australia “Performance 1.2” Rating Tools Credit:
• Credit 21: Procurement & Purchasing (Refurbishment Materials)

Green Star® New Zealand 'Design & As Built NZ' v1.1:
• Credit 13: Indoor Pollutants (Reduction in internal air pollutant level)
• Credit 20: Responsible Products (Timber)
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products

Green Star® New Zealand 'Interiors NZ' v1.1:
• Credit 12: Indoor Pollutants (Reduction in internal air pollutant level)
• Credit 20: Responsible Products (Timber)
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products

Green Star® New Zealand 'Performance NZ' v1.2:
• Credit 21: Procurement and Purchasing

New Zealand Homestar® v4.0 Rating Tool:
• MAT-1 Sustainable Materials
• MAT-2 Healthy Materials

New Zealand Homestar® v5.0 Rating Tool:
• HC7 Healthy Materials
• EN3 Sustainable Materials

IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Features:
• Feature 26 Enhanced Material Safety (Part 1)
• Feature 97 Material Transparency (Part 1)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
• Feature 04 VOC Reduction (Part 5)
• Feature 11 Fundamental Material Safety (Part 1)
• Feature 25 Toxic Material Reduction (Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Feature/s:
• X07 Materials Transparency (Parts 1, 3)
• X08 Materials Optimization (Part 2)
• X11 Cleaning Products and Protocols (Part 2)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
• X01 Material Restrictions (Part 1, 2, 3)
• X05 Enhanced Material Restrictions (Part 2)
• X06 VOC Restrictions (Part 2)
• X07 Materials Transparency (Part 2)
• X08 Materials Optimization (Part 1)

IS® v1.2:
• Mat-2 Environmentally Labelled Products and Supply Chain

IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:
• Rso-7 Sustainability Labelled Products and Supply Chains

LEED® v4.0 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):
• Option 1: Environmental Product Declarations

MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):
• Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
• Option 2: International ACP - REACH Optimization

LEED® v4.1 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):
• Option 1: Environmental Product Declarations,

MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):
• Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
• Option 2: International ACP - REACH Optimization

EarthCheck Rating Tool:
• Sustainable Materials

BRE Global BREEAM® International New Construction v6.0 Rating Tool:
• Hea 02 Indoor Air Quality - Emissions From Building Products

GreenTech Malaysia’s MyHIJAU Ecolabelling and Green Products Database:
• All Green Building and Interiors Products

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